“DOEE Bans Sale of ‘Moss Ball’ Aquarium Plants Due to Infestation of Invasive Zebra Mussels”


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Sep 16, 2023

“DOEE Bans Sale of ‘Moss Ball’ Aquarium Plants Due to Infestation of Invasive Zebra Mussels”

Photo by Miki Jourdan From DOEE: “The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) joins federal and state fish and wildlife agencies in banning the sale–and ordering the proper disposal of–live “moss

Photo by Miki Jourdan

From DOEE:

“The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) joins federal and state fish and wildlife agencies in banning the sale–and ordering the proper disposal of–live “moss ball” aquarium plants, which may be infested with invasive zebra mussels. The moss balls are often sold under names such as “Betta Buddy Marimo Balls” or “Mini Marimo Moss Balls” and may be included with the purchase of betta fish.

The zebra mussel is a small, freshwater, bivalve species of mollusk native to Eurasia. Classified as an aquatic invasive species, zebra mussels are impossible to eradicate once a colony is established, thus causing irreparable damage to habitats and ecosystems critical to the survival of native species.

Consumers are not to purchase aquarium moss balls and are required to safely dispose of recently purchased moss balls using biological guidelines and industry-accepted best management practices.


To ensure all life stages of this invasive species are destroyed, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service advises anyone who has recently purchased moss balls to follow these guidelines (ensuring that your chosen disposal method meets local state laws and animal welfare regulations).

DESTROY in one of three ways:

1. Freeze: Place the moss ball into a sealable plastic bag and freeze for at least 24 hours.

2. Boil: Place the moss ball in boiling water for at least 1 full minute.

3. Bleach/Vinegar: Submerge the moss ball in 1 cup of chlorine bleach per gallon of water for 10 minutes or undiluted white vinegar for 20 minutes.

DISPOSE of the moss ball and its packaging in a sealed plastic bag in the trash–NOT in drains, waterways, or gardens. If vinegar, boiling water, or bleach was used to destroy the moth balls, the liquid can be disposed down a household drain –but not in a storm drain, where it could enter and damage local waterways.

DRAIN and clean the aquarium as follows:

1. Collect any fish or other living organisms and place them in another container, using water from a separate, uncontaminated water source.

2. Sterilize the contaminated aquarium water by adding 1 cup of bleach for each gallon of water. Let the water sit for 10 minutes and then dispose of it down a household drain.

3. Clean the aquarium and accessories using one of the following methods, ensuring that your chosen disposal method is in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations:

· Hot Water Method: Use water that is 140 degrees F to flush and coat the tank and all accessory surfaces for at least one minute, OR

· Disinfection Method:

o Soak the aquarium, substrate, rocks, décor, and filter media in bleach water solution for 10 minutes.

o Rinse off all items before setting up the aquarium.

o Dispose of the previously used filter media and replace with new media.

o Use a dechlorinating product to neutralize any residual chlorine before reintroducing aquatic life.

It is recommended to do another water change within a week and continue to monitor the tank for any unusual or unexpected aquatic life. A more detailed list of DESTROY, DISPOSE, DRAIN instructions can be found here.”

The moss balls are often sold under names such as “Betta Buddy Marimo Balls” or “Mini Marimo Moss Balls” and may be included with the purchase of betta fish.